The Celts Club de Golf


We had a field of 80 players competing for The Presidents’ prize yesterday at La Serena. The weather was ideal for golf with a gentle breeze and 28 degrees. Stroke play, and from the White and Blue tees is always a challenge and so the combatants took to the field.  We are indebted to a team of people who work together to make the event such a success.

The competitions committee under the guidance of Camillus Fitzpatrick and ably assisted by Philip Mountford, Alan Cambell and Terry Fitzgerald.  Thank you and well done.  To the staff in the golf shop, Bruno, Jose, Jean, Oscar, and Michael thank you for all your help and assistance. To Vanessa, Marijose, Vanessa and Gloria in the bar and restaurant muchos gracias por todo.  The course was beautifully presented by Miguel and his team, enhorabuena.

With the golf completed we then retired to Meson El Prado where we partook of a lovely meal, thank you Juan, Lola, Pili and staff. We had Jackie booked to entertain us on the night only for a rugby match to clash, a pity about the result but a great match. Many thanks to Jackie and we look forward to you entertaining us at our Christmas Hamper dinner at La Serena.

Results of the day, the NTP’s. Gary Conroy, Mick Reeves, Terry Fitzgerald, Philip Vaughan and Tony Burns. Cat IV. Paul Raffell, Theo Boelhouwer, Mick Reeves. Cat. III Alex McIntyre,, Pat McLoughlin and Colin Fleming. Cat II. Eddie Wall, Alan Walker and Skip. Cat I. Pauvla Serakova, Phillip Vaughan and Tony Burns. The gross was won by Clive Jenkins. Second overall Jean Randell and the winner of The Presidents’ prize was another lady winner Debby Boelhouwer.

An opportunity for any society out there who are looking to play competitive match play across the greater Alicante area. We have a limited number of spaces available for teams of 8 players who might wish to join the tournament.

Courses included this year were Los Colinas, Vistabella, Alicante, El Saler, Villaitana, Bonalba, El Plantio, El Bosque, La Marquesa and Font de Llop. The entry fee per match is 300 euro for 8 players, not too bad. Please contact John O’Brien if you are interested.

If you would like information on entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to or call 615466398