Another Mad Scramble to build at any cost

Orihuela Costa is developing in an ad hoc fashion with no real vision and no evidence of any structured town planning, This is hardly surprising as the authority, controlled by local politicians, are  all based 34 kilometres away with no real interest in the area other than using it as a money making machine.

We all know that the coast contributes disproportionately to the coffers of Orihuela City, which its estimated to be worth over 100 million euro a year. Again this is all too evident as the ruling coalition looks to house building to keep the economy growing yet again.

Large scale construction sites are springing up again, in spite of the million unsold properties in the Valencian Community, just under 4,000 here on Orihuela Costa alone. The maximum limit of 4 floors also appears to be ignored as Cala Mosca has increased to 6 and now a rumoured new development is planning an increase to 10. Where will it ever end?

Anyone living in Orihuela Costa is all too aware of the lack of services in just about every sector of the community, from children who spend their entire educational years in portacabins to bereaved famies, having no municipal cemetery in which to bury their dead. The list of insufficiencies is endless; no youth facilities, no library, no day centre for the elderly, no services for people with disabilities, no social housing, no musical society, no casa de cultura, no emergency services centre, etc,

Added to this is the list of inadequate provision; low number of police officers, a part time Guardia Civil presence, limited ambulance coverage, negligible bus routes, are just a few examples. We must also include the appalling road system, the lack of adequate footpaths, the criminal shortage of footbridges over the motorway and the N332, the total oversight of cycle routes, the dreadfully maintained roads, neglected and overgrown parks and green spaces. The list is endless.

However, in spite of all these fundamental deficiencies there still is a mad scramble to construct housing on every parcel of spare land without due consideration to even the most basic needs of people who already live here as well as the potential buyers.

Many potential homeowners and likely future residents are attracted by the wonderful weather, the glimmering outdoor swimming pools, the glorious beaches and the local facilities, such as Zenia Boulevard.

How many purchasers research the education provision or the utilities and services they may need in the future? It is often only when you are living in an area that the many inadequacies become apparent.

Many Orihuela Costa residents believe that there are Orihuela politicians who don’t want people to be resident on the coast. Many believe they would much prefer people to purchase expensive Costa property and use it for a just a few weeks each year, thus boosting the economy, adding to the tourist industry coffers with much needed non Spanish cash and of course reducing the local council expenditure.

It would appear that the term  ‘asset stripping’ could well be very appropriate when considering Orihula City’s attitude to the Costas




Kind regards,


PIOC – Partido Independencia Orihuela Costa