Alicante Airport Security Staff Call Strike


Workers at Alicante Elche Miguel Hernandez Airport from the Ilunion Seguridad private firm, which operates the security services at the airport, have announced a series of strikes that will affect the facilities from 22 to 30 September.

The industrial action will commence on 22 September, due to the “continued situation of defencelessness and precariousness” of their working conditions.

The works council of Ilunion Seguridad explained that these strikes will affect the security controls of passengers, staff, hold luggage, merchandise supplies, private flights, and the security control centre.

The strikes are partial and will be carried out in two waves, one hour in the morning, between 8:45 and 9:45, and a second in the afternoon, between 6 and 7 p.m.

The strike that will begin on the 22nd but will continue on September 23, 24, 26, 29 and 30, they explained in a statement where they state that “working conditions have been deteriorating year after year.”