Garden Felix – Hummingbirds, bees and butterflies love Russian sage!


Russian sage offers carefree colour, with an open airy habit and dreamy drifts of lavender blue flowers, that bloom from mid-summer into autumn.

It is an herbaceous woody hardy perennial that is easy to grow, heat and drought tolerance and virtually maintenance free, once established.

Most varieties will reach 2-3ft tall and wide, however some can be much larger.

A versatile perennial plant, useful as a filler in a mixed border and can also be planted as hedging, or in containers.

Russian sage thrives in hot, dry conditions and in well-draining soils. Choose a site that receives 6-8 hours of full sun. Space plants 2-3 feet apart.

Seed heads and stems can be left through winter for ornamental interest. Then simply cut plants down to 6 inches in early Spring.

A self sower, that will spread vigorously, so just pull up any seedlings or dig out the roots where they’re not wanted.

A relative of the mint plant, it has silvery green leaves that exude a pungent scent when crushed and can be dried and used for potpourri.

The flowers are a favourite of hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Note: Foliage is toxic.