Compromís file to protect LGTBI+ rights


Compromís has presented a non-legislative proposal in Les Corts with which it aims to guarantee the continuity of the advances achieved by shielding laws 8/2017 integral to the recognition of the right to identity and gender expression in the Valencian Community and law 23/2018, of equality for LGBTI people.

According to deputy Francesc Roig, “lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans and intersex people in our territory have experienced significant advances in the recognition of their rights and freedoms thanks, above all, to the approval of two laws and the deployment of a followed by public policies from the Botanical Council”.

The first of them represented a significant advance in the situation of trans people, guaranteeing their right to self-determination of gender from a perspective that depathologises their reality. In the same way, the LGTBI law established a framework for public authorities to ensure the recognition and guarantee of the rights of LGTBI people with the promotion of policies in this regard, as well as non-discrimination in the different areas of society.

It should be noted that these laws created different public participation bodies, such as the Trans Consultative Council and the Valencian LGTBI Council, in which both the competent administrations and the organisations, entities and associations dedicated to the defence of LGTBI rights are represented.

In addition, in 2022 the Valencian Strategy for LGTBI Equality 2022-27 was approved, which is the instrument for coordinating the Council’s LGTBI policies. A strategy approved by the Valencian LGTBI Council and which has three strategic lines: recognise from the institutions the LGTBI collective and establish spaces for participation; implement actions to recognise rights for LGBTI people; and awareness of LGTBI diversity, attention to victims of LGTBIphobia and recognition of LGTBI memory.

“The LGTBI group – added Roig – faces multiple obstacles in their day-to-day life. The struggle of the LGBTI movement and the work in the institutions have made it possible for our society to be at the forefront of Europe and the world in terms of the defence and recognition of the rights and freedoms of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersex people”.

“Now, with the arrival of the extreme right of Vox in the Valencian executive at the hand of the PP all the advances made are in danger. We are seeing how in many city councils, as in the case of Valencia, councillors for Equality and LGTBI policies are disappearing because of the PP’s pacts with the extreme right. We LGBTI people face many problems every day and that’s why we don’t give up. It is everyone’s task not only to consolidate and protect all the advances of recent years but to continue to advance and build a society proud of its diversity, more inclusive and egalitarian”. In this sense, Compromís plans to continue deploying the actions included in the Valencian Strategy for LGBTI Equality 2022-27 and carry out evaluation reports on the same on a regular basis.

Likewise, with this parliamentary initiative, it is urged that any legislative changes in this regard be agreed upon with the Valencian LGTBI Council and the Trans Consultative Council and the entire associative movement in defence of LGTBI rights, “in this way these laws would be shielded”.

Finally, Compromís proposes that the necessary budget items be maintained or increased in order to be able to implement all the actions provided for in the laws referred to as well as in the Valencian Strategy for LGBTI Equality 2022-27.