Another Flying Classic Makes Final Landing at San Javier


We have previously seen how developments at the General Air Academy in San Javier have led to the end of life for one classic trainer, replacing the C-101 with the Pilatus PC-21, and now, another training legend has touched down for the last time, as the E-26 Tamiz has joined the list of retirees from the training wing of the Air and Space Force.

This aircraft was used for the elementary instruction of future pilots of the Air and Space Force, and made her final flight earlier this month, with Commanders Tarragó and Atienza, together with the student lieutenants of the 76th promotion, Griñán and Pina, carrying out the last landing of an instruction flight aboard the E-26 Tamiz.

The E-26 Tamiz is a military training aircraft that is based on the Chilean T-35 Pillán model manufactured by ENAER. The last version manufactured, the T-35C, was developed by the Spanish company Construcciones Aeronáuticas (CASA), now part of Airbus Military, under licence from the designer and manufacturer.

After 36 years of service in elementary education at the General Air and Space Academy, the E-26 was met after landing at the San Javier Air Base with an arch of water, a traditional gesture of thanks for her time of service.