Season closes for Jennifer Colino Torrevieja Rhythmic Gymnastics Club


Last Sunday, the closing ceremony of the Jennifer Colino Rhythmic Gymnastics Club season took place in Torrevieja at the Palacio de Deportes “Tavi y Carmona”, in which 180 gymnasts partook.

The spectators enjoyed the exhibitions carried out by the girls that make up the club, both at the initiation level and at the competition level, at the closure of a season which has seen the club continue to grow, both in results and in the number of students.

All gymnasts received a medal in recognition of the work carried out during the year. The event was attended by the Councilor for Sports of the Torrevieja City Council, Diana Box Alonso, who congratulated the Torrevieja Club for its magnificent results as she wished every success to the gymnasts who are going to take part in the Spanish Championships in the coming weeks.

Jennifer Colino, the club coach, was very satisfied with the results of the season and hopes the girls can add to them in the upcoming Spanish Individual and Team Absolute Championships to be held in the coming weeks in Valencia and Ourense. The former international gymnast said that “We will continue working with great enthusiasm and desire in the competitions that lie ahead.”