Final stroll of the year for Walk and Talk Group


Saturday 10th June looked to be the long awaited start of Summer in Spain as temperatures hit the high 20’s and also proved to be a bit trying for some of the members of the Torrevieja u3a Walk and Talk Group.

34 members of the group, formerly known as the Strollers Group, met for their last wander of the season before the weather becomes too hot for walking, and set off from near the Punta Prima restaurant on the Punta Prima promenade wandering along the shoreline through to the start of Torrevieja just by the bars and restaurants backing onto the old Dialprix at Mar Azul.

They spent time relaxing and chatting over a coffee before setting off to return, but this time along the streets to check out some stunning properties set one row back from the promenade.

A great couple of hours with plenty of chat, banter and views along the way. Check out our website at where details of this, and all of the other groups available to Torrevieja u3a members can be found, along with information on how to join the association.