The Leader Newspaper 5 June 23 – Edition 974

The Leader Newspaper 5 June 23 – Edition 974
The Leader Newspaper 5 June 23 – Edition 974

Once again, the talented company that is Studio32 took over the Cardenal Belluga Theatre in San Fulgencio last week to put on their much anticipate enactment of ‘Hello Dolly’ and it proved to be their best effort yet, a classic with a big C, a night of colour, song and laughter, radiating joy from start to finish.

The municipal election still warrant space with pacts and agreements nearing completion. In San Fulgencio PIPN have formed a government with the Partido Popular sending 2 popular British Councillors into opposition. On Orihuela Costa we look at the great divide, the shareout of the votes that were cast on the coast, where the Independence Party, PIOC, came out on top.