P.I.O.C – A party of hope for the future of Orihuela Costa

You do the Voting – We take up the Struggle


Because of it’s abandonment by successive administration’s going back many years, Orihuela Costa has had its image, as one of Spain’s Crown Jewels, severely tarnished, sewage on beaches, overflowing dustbins, dirty streets, a lack of basic infrastructure and amenities.

We doubt that there is a Municipal Council in Spain as inefficient and as clumsy as the one in Orihuela.  But is it just inefficiency or is there something more?

We hear regular examples of companies failing to be paid for month after month, often resulting in them building up severe debts; there is no money for materials to repair our roads, vehicles are being driven without insurance; it is impossible not to be suspicious.

Abandonment, apathy, neglect, and shame are just a few of the comments that residents of Orihuela Costa make about the management of the Orihuela Council, with one serving councillor telling PIOC, that there will never be any major expenditure on the coast because it is not in the interest of Orihuela’s politicians.!

However, nothing could be further from the truth because, as the population is expands, it will not be too long at all before the COAST is bigger than the rest of Orihuela combined. Legislators are beginning to get nervous, and in the fullness of time victory will most certainly be ours.

But as we look ahead to the coming weekend, 28 May and the Municipal Elections, Orihuela Costa is in a fight for its very future, with PIOC taking on the challenge, as the only real party for the coast, of battling for your future.

With the smoke and mirrors, the fake promises, being rolled out almost every day of the week by our adversaries, many established politicians are fighting for their very futures, so they will say anything to secure your vote. Of course they want to retain their prized possession as well as the many financial benefits that they will inevitably accrue, but don’t be fooled by these false promises; judge them on their previous performances and when so doing, remember; Orihuela Costa is in it’s worst condition ever. Just look around, potholes in our roads, abandoned children’s playgrounds, littered streets. Same old record, going round and round and round!

But even though the coast is at a low ebb, P.I.O.C. can offer you hope amidst these political and economic instabilities, because right now, as a result of all this mismanagement, by bringing together a bit of ‘people power’ – those with real commitment, energy and passion, anything is possible, a real window of opportunity, because more of us than ever want change.

P.I.O.C. is not left of centre, nor is it on the right. It is absolutely where it wants to be, in Orihuela Costa, fighting for our town and the enhanced wellbeing of it’s residents.

P.I.O.C – A party of hope – A party for the future – A party that will justify your vote on 28M