The warmest and driest April for 62 years


The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), has published its climate report for the month of April 2023 in which it states that last month was the warmest April since the beginning of it’s records in 1961.

The month was extremely warm, with average temperatures around 14.9°C, a value that is 3.0°C above the average for this month (reference period: 1991-2020 ) .

The maximum daily temperatures in April were on average 4.7°C above the normal value, while the minimums were 1.3°C above the average, resulting in a daily thermal oscillation 3.4°C higher than the normal for the month. In thirty main stations across the community, the average temperature for the month was the highest for an April since records began.

The month of April was also extremely dry in terms of rainfall, with an average rainfall value over mainland Spain of 14.2 mm, a value that represents 22% of the normal value for the month and the driest April since 1961.