Ex-Royal Navy Event entertained by Ukrainian Folk Singers


The recent Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch (RNATB) meeting was another resounding success with the 59 Shipmates (S/M’s) and 4 guests in attendance when being entertained by four fabulous Torrevieja MusiKhome Ukrainian children singers, Andriy Golovnyuk Volosovych, Fedir Vasenko, Kateryna Panasenko and Yelyzaveta Bilokon, who were conducted by the mother of Andriy Golovnyuk.

The outstanding performances were very emotionally moving and included some traditional Ukrainian folk songs along with some modern songs which received a standing ovation.

The performance was organised by RNATB S/M Polina Uchaieva, who also gave a very heart felt and emotional introduction on behalf of the Torrevieja MusiKhome Head of School, Taras Khomyak, (https://www.facebook.com/Taras.MusiKhome), as a way of thanking the RNATB S/M’s for all the ongoing support they have provided.

The RNATB S/M’s wish them and their families a happy and successful integration into either their temporary or permanent life in the Torrevieja area, along with a swift and peaceful conclusion to the current conflict in Ukraine.


Following the musical soiree, the S/M’s awarded several certificates as acknowledgement of significant milestones within the S/M’s branch membership system.

The instigation of a new award system includes S/M’s receiving an Award Certificate at a Branch Meeting on the anniversary of their 10th, 15th and 20th year of Branch membership.

As the RNA Torrevieja Branch was first Commissioned on 2nd October 1990, there are a number of S/M’s who are reaching these milestones; some of which are permanently based here as Spanish Residents and other S/M’s who may be considered as ‘wanderers’ and split their time between UK and Spain.

In attendance to receive their awards were S/M Joe Billet and S/M Rose Lyon who were both presented by the RNATB Chairman, S/M Tony Jenkins, with their Silver Award Certificates for 15 years membership of the Torrevieja Branch; which was a very proud time and consequently S/M’s gave both of them an enthusiastic ovation which indicates their ethos and core values of Unity, Loyalty, Patriotism, Comradeship.


The theme of Membership was continued when the S/M’s also gave a resounding round of applause when welcoming aboard four new Associate Members; Dave Parle, Brenda Maw, Anna Verberge and Rita Poissonnier; who hail from UK, Holland and Brussels; and the RNATB Chairman presented them with their membership pack, which included their Badge, Membership Card and RNA Membership Booklet and is the point where they will now always be referred to as Shipmate’s.


These events were all in addition to the usual informative, exciting and entertaining Branch Meeting agenda on social events, S/M’s welfare & well-being, branch finances and importantly a Toast by all S/M’s, which is supplied by the branch.

Although the Toasts section of the meeting may vary with current special events or occasions, it always includes a Toast to those S/M’s that have a birthday that month.


The other intrinsic and excitedly anticipated finale to the Branch Meeting is the spectacular draw for the Raffle prizes; which is amiably conducted by the Raffle Co-ordinator, S/M Nicola Louden and enthusiastically supported by the Raffle Assistant, S/M Karen Davin and consistently has over 20 prizes which ensures that the S/M’s always sail away from the meeting in high spirits……..


The Royal Naval Association (RNA) has a ‘Free Membership’ and is a UK Registered Charity 266982.

Although primarily founded for serving and retired Royal Naval personnel with the moto ‘Once Navy Always Navy’, it also welcomes all serving or retired military Veterans and civilians alike.

The local overseas branch in Torrevieja area (RNATB) has a diverse mix of members, who are a friendly and engaging group of people who embrace their ethos of Comradeship, Loyalty, Patriotism & Unity while enjoying a verity of social events.

Why not join us?

Contact: Chairman, Tony Jenkins at Chairman.RNATB@mail.com or on Mob: +34 693866709, What’s App +44 7576117222.

Vice Chairman, Dusty Miller at ViceChairRNATB@mail.com or on Mob/What’s App: +34 711006670.

Treasurer, Carl Louden at carllouden@msn.com or on Mob/What’s App: +34 678518202.

Secretary, Steve Hemingfield at SecretaryRNATB@Gmail.com or on Mob/What’s App: +34 711011373.

Or just come along and meet us on the first Wednesday of each month at 1700 at Lakeview Bar & Restaurant, Calle Toledo 16, Ciudad Quesada, 03170, Alicante.