Hello hello! – the thin blue line


The inadequacy of the British Police Force

Ilford, East London:

A story to contradict the headline, we were lucky in the early part of our marriage to own a toy and cycle shop. One morning, in one of the rear doors, someone had cut a round hole in the glass, obviously with an attempt to enter the shop. Feeling a little vulnerable we went to Battersea Dogs Home and ‘Rowdy’, a full-grown black Labrador, joined us to protect the business.

We lived above the premises and Rowdy, after spending the evening with us, would retire on the command of ‘good night’ to the storeroom, to the rear of the shop.

It was late and we were fast asleep when there was barking, crashing, and banging, where Rowdy, in his haste to get to the front, had knocked shop articles over.

With my heart racing I jumped out of bed. The shop was a mess. Standing in it was a uniformed policeman, he had tried the front door as part of his duties and found it open, as I had forgotten to lock it, he wasn’t moving as the dog was at his shining boots snarling with a low growl.

Yes, it was at a time when there was a friendly policeman on the beat looking after the community.


Gwent, South Wales:

In Gwent, last week five people, after leaving a public house, disappeared on their way to Newport. The Police, it is alleged, did not put a lot of effort into finding them. The report tells us a friend who was out looking for them noticed the tyre marks where they had left the road. Hidden in the trees they found three dead people in a car with their two badly injured friends.  What were the police doing all that time, no doubt, as other reports state, looking through the internet for ‘hate crimes’.



A little further north, on 27th January, Nicola Bulley, a lady in her forties, disappeared near the River Wyre while out walking her dog. The Police, after bringing in specialist teams, including divers, searched the river.  Twenty-three days were to pass without any trace of her despite all the resources available to the constabulary. The report said that people out walking, as stated, three weeks later, found her remains amongst the rushes on the side of the river, not too far from where she had disappeared. So, what were the Police doing in all that time, no doubt looking at their computers.



In the past in this column, I have written about the Police ineptitude and waste, for instance when they arrived mob handed at a nightclub after a man complained that a woman had touched his bottom. She was arrested and received one hundred hours community service. I may be old fashioned, but I thought that type of social establishment is where sexual overtones happen regularly.



In the following case it seems to me the Police and the courts have lost the human touch, or is it because the ‘Woke’ brigade have taken control.

Disabled, Auriol Grey, whose brain was damaged at birth, is partially sighted, suffers from Cerebral Palsy, has a cleft foot, and walks with a splint. She was making her way along a pavement on her way to do some shopping in a Sainsbury store.

Coming towards her was Celia Ward, riding a bicycle on the pavement. The video of the event clearly shows Auriol Grey waving to the oncoming Ward to get off the pavement and it is not until the cyclist is trying to pass the disabled person that she gestures more strongly and shouts.  The bike rider’s decision is to swerve around her onto the road where she was in collision with a car, which killed her.

Now it seems to me if you are walking along a pavement and a cyclist is hurtling towards you the natural reaction would be to wave your hands. However, the judge, after the Police decided to take this poor harmless disabled woman to court, decided the gesture was aggressive and sent her to prison for three years. Not a thought by the authorities that a cyclist has the responsibility to take care of their own health. Perhaps the Police would be better employed with their real job of nicking those persons that are aggressive, thieving, knifing, and attacking people.


West Yorkshire:

Going back, alright a long time, to the early eighteen hundreds, in Robert Peel’s time, he was the founder of the Police forces, the idea was to catch criminals. That seems to me to have sadly changed. Gone are the public servants, the humane officer on the beat who would solve a problem with a few words of advice, but a shambles of uniformed personnel governed by a woke initiative where the control of the population’s thoughts’ are paramount – why else would the West Yorkshire Police charge a fourteen year old boy with a hate crime for dropping, what the lad says ‘accidentally’, a copy of the Quran.


Kings Norton, Birmingham:

Not many people will have heard of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, nor ‘March for Life’ – no, nothing to do with the month, but an anti-abortion group of which Spruce is a director, in Kings Norton, Birmingham, where it seems it is acceptable to beg and sleep on the streets, and where there are plenty of sad people doing just that, as there are also in most cities. However, she, that is Isabel, a devout catholic, was arrested for praying in the street outside an abortion clinic. She was told that praying is an offence. The Police took her into custody not once but twice, the first time the court cleared her of any wrongdoing, but it would appear the Police were not satisfied so they arrested her again for the same offence of ‘praying in the street’.    Take care.


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