Torrevieja School Computer Room Inaugurated


The new computer room at the Colegio Publico Nuestra Señora del Rosario in Torrevieja took place this week, coinciding with the celebrations of International Women´s Day.

The classroom has been fully financed by the AMPA – Asociación de Madres y Padres de Alumnos – and the Educational Centre and is set for women in the field of Education, Science and Technology. Hence the name of it is Hedy Lamarr who, apart from her facet as an actress, is known for having created the first version of the spread spectrum technique and the base of tools such as WIFI and Bluetooth.

The inauguration has gone hand in hand with some beautiful words from Mrs. Josefina Nieto, a reference woman for Torrevejense society.

Josefina Nieto has a degree in teaching, it should be noted that she was Director of CEIP Cuba for 28 years and in 2014, she received the Award for Merit in Education with the Silver Badge from the Department of Education, she is currently the President of ARS Creation cultural association.

Ana María Martínez, Director of CEIP Nuestra Señora del Rosario wanted to highlight “for at our centre, the values of equality and diversity are very important, and this is how we translate it into each project and investment that we carry out in the centre. It is also a pleasure to have a referent as Josefina Nieto in this inauguration and with the indisputable support of the AMPA of our school”.

Melina Martín, president of the AMPA, has pointed out that “the great collaboration of the AMPA with the Management of the School Centre allows us to provide this fantastic computer room which is and will be enjoyed by all the students of the centre generation after generation, in addition to emphasising that every woman can be a reference in any profession and realm of life”.