Generalitat draws up the first ‘Guide to Safe Municipalities’


The Minister of Justice, Interior and Public Administration, Gabriela Bravo, has put together the first ‘Guide to Safe Municipalities’, a practical manual that includes the basic recommendations that municipalities must follow in the face of the most recurrent risks that occur in the Valencian Community .

The councillor said that this guide “is one more resource that the Generalitat has provided to town halls.

Bravo said the guide should encourage city councils to “increase their capacities in improving security in the face of emergencies and catastrophes, and lead to the culture of prevention and self-protection of people.”

The head of the Interior pronounced that this first manual is presented “as a tool that aims to reinforce the security of mayors and councillors when ordering and recommending actions in their towns in the event of an emergency”, since, in her opinion , “civil protection is a public policy in a constant process of adaptation to new scenarios, that requires strategic instruments always responding to or in advance of future threats or challenges”.

The guide consists of seven chapters that include the most important legislation on Civil Protection, as well as the framework document that governs the most frequent risks in the Valencian Community, the Territorial Emergency Plan.

It also describes the functions of the Generalitat’s Emergency Coordination Centre and the 112 Valencian Community Emergency telephone number, and addresses aspects related to municipal powers through local security boards or the municipal operational coordination centre (Cecopal ).

The ‘Guide to Safe Municipalities’ breaks down the most frequent risks that affect the Valencian Community (fires, floods, snowfall, winds, cold and heat waves, etc.), and details the recommendations and instructions that the population should apply to avoid any type of incidence.

800 emergency plans

The councillor explained that this guide is “one more example of the collaborative work and cooperation with municipalism that has marked our political efforts in recent years” and, in this sense, she recalled how the line of grants started in 2021 by her department has allowed 87% of the municipalities of the Valencian Community to build their municipal territorial plan, and the preparation and review of nearly 800 emergency plans of different types (territorial, fire, flood and seismic).