Cox Pests Set for Stricter Controls


The Department of Health in Cox town hall has launched a new service to control pests in municipal buildings and facilities.

The mayor of Cox, Antonio José Bernabeu Santo together with the Councillor for Health, Andrés Frco. Sáez Ramón have presented the company Társilo Control de Plagas SL, which will be in charge of offering the new pest control service in the municipality.

After a bidding process, the town hall awarded the service to the company directed by Társilo Pablo Sánchez Perelló, for an amount of €14,036 and a duration of two years, achieving an extension and improvement in the services, since the periodicity is extended for treatments for cockroaches in the sewer system, as well as the cleaning and disinfection of deposits at no cost to the Cox town hall.

The company has started offering its services since January 1 and will be in force until December 31, 2024.

It should be noted that the control of insects and rodents in the sewage will be carried out bimonthly, that is, with six services per year. In relation to the treatments and controls of the common mosquito and tiger mosquito, the frequency will be biweekly in the summer months. Likewise, pest control in educational centres will be carried out coinciding with school holidays and water control and inspections in sports facilities are intensified, on a monthly basis, to control legionella and treatments against processionary moths will be carried out.

Sánchez has declared that “in cases of notices due to the presence of pests, these will be dealt with in less than 24 hours, including weekends and holidays.” For his part, Antonio Bernabeu said, “we are happy to be able to work with a company that improves and broadens the service offered in our municipality, offering a quick response to the needs of Cojenses; and that at the same time, it is aligned with caring for the environment, since its fleet of vehicles, being an environmental health company, is committed to electric vehicles”.