Funding Announced for Elche Neurodevelopment Research Centre


The president of the Provincial Council of Alicante, Carlos Mazón, announced an investment of 1.8 million euro to launch a provincial neurodevelopmental research centre dedicated to early care in the city of Elche.

This provincial aid, which will be consigned in 2023, will be channelled through the Children’s Health Foundation of the Valencian Community and will allow the first phase of this complex to be carried out. The building will be located in the vicinity of the huerto de Travalón and will initially house two early care units for between 150 and 200 children and an area focused on research.

Mazón visited the facilities that the Foundation in Elche, accompanied by its president, Fernando Vargas, and the mayor of Elche, Carlos González, as well as the deputy Juan de Dios Navarro and other delegates.

“The Provincial Council of Alicante is going to allocate in 2023 an item of 1.8 million euro -which will be covered via the ordinary budget and through remnants- for the start-up in Elche of a very important centre that will treat children between 0 and 6 years old who suffer from a series of pathologies in their development that make an intervention necessary”, explained the president, who recognised the work that the Children’s Health Foundation carries out in this regard.

The first building of the new centre -which includes up to a total of four buildings- could be completed by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024.