Valencia Truckers do Not Support Strike Action


The Board of Directors of the Federación Valenciana de Empresarios del Transporte y la Logística (FVET), who represent truck drivers in the Valencia region, has announced that it does not support the sectoral strike “as a solution to the problems that road transport is experiencing today”.

A national strike by truck drivers was called to begin on Monday, but this latest announcement is another blow to the industrial action plans after the Comité Nacional del Transporte por Carretera also announced they did not support the action.

As such, Valencia drivers are “committed to maintaining the course of negotiations with the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda”.

“In the current economic situation, it is neither responsible for companies, nor for society, nor for transport itself to assume a sectoral strike that would cause a shortage. Causing a general worsening of the economic and social situation”, explains Carlos Prades, president of FVET.

The Federation trust that in this context the companies that choose to work can do so with total guarantees and appeal to a sense to the respect of all parties.

More than 15,000 freight transport companies operate in the Valencian Community. The Community is the third autonomy, behind Andalusia and Catalonia, with the highest volume of goods transported in Spain, 279 million, 20% more than the previous year.