Sonrisas Spooks reducing stress


Halloween celebrations at Sonrisas Harmony rehearsal last week was a great success. Members took spooks to the next level with costumes so good that in some cases it was difficult to identify each other.

We regularly have functions that members and their partners attend, giving a great opportunity to meet on a social basis as well as for filing  Sonrisas Harmony members passion for singing. We have many functions booked in the coming weeks, for the Christmas festivities, so come along and see us perform. Watch the press for details of venues and dates or contact us by one of the means detailed below.

We welcome new members and have an exciting new repertoire for 2023. You can contact Lynda mobile 672192222 or email

Singing is proven to reduce stress and gives you the feel good factor. Why not give it a try. Look for us on Facebook too, where you can support our page!