Santa Pola Starts Bidding Process for New Cleaning Contract


Santa Pola Council has approved the start of the file for the new contracting of the urban solid waste collection service, street cleaning, beach cleaning and complementary services.

This means that the bidding process has started and in the next plenary session, which will be held shortly, the file will be definitively approved and will be published for bidding.

The technical and administrative specifications have already been reviewed by the Generalitat Valenciana, and the indications of the autonomous entity are currently being incorporated.

The bidding price for the contract, which is put out to tender for 10 years, has been set at a total of 56,102,983 million euro, including IVA, which represents an investment of 5.6 million euro per year.

In the absence of the tender and the offers from the companies, the new cleaning specifications have numerous improvements and are updated to the current needs of the municipality, highlighting that the machinery will be renewed and modernised.

It contemplates more personnel assigned to Gran Alacant and the rest of the municipality, will increase the frequency of collection and will improve cleaning, and sweeping. New containers will be available, and the organic fraction will be collected.

Loreto Serrano, Mayor of Santa Pola has declared that “we hope that as soon as possible we will have the new cleaning contract awarded for Santa Pola. With the new winning company we are going to improve collection and sweeping, with more workers in all areas of Santa Pola. We will have new machinery that is quieter and more efficient, more containers and improved equipment collection”.