Antique Canon Washes up on Santa Pola Beach


Local Police in Santa Pola were summonsed to the beach at Play Lisa on Tuesday afternoon, when bathers discovered what looked like an extremely old canon had washed up on the beach.

Local resident, Marcos Mirete Castañeda, alerted the police to what appeared to be archaeological remains resting some 5 metres from the shore.

Officers from Santa Pola Local Police, helped by lifeguards, recovered the item from the sea and brought it to beach, where it was placed under the care of a team from the Santa Pola Museo del Mar.

On Wednesday, archaeologists inspected the item, which they say, “could be a part of an ancient cannon.”

The Museo del Mar has informed the Generalitat, which from now on will mark ensure the correct protocols are followed, with the custody and maintenance of the piece being ensured to guaranteed it is maintained in the appropriate conditions for its conservation.

The Councillor for Beaches, Ángel Piedecausa, thanked “the citizen who gave the notice, the Santa Pola Local Police and the lifeguard service, and of course, the Museo del Mar for all the work to recover the piece.”

From the Museo del Mar they confirm that Santa Pola currently has another 3 pieces of cannons that are being studied and that remain preserved in the same conditions in which they were found.