August will have temperatures up to 1.5 degrees above normal, according to climatologist Samuel Biener, and it is also a busier month than July because the nights lengthen and the first signs of instability begin. “Showers on the coast, storms in the interior,” he clarifies. The forecasts, in terms of rainfall, will be, according to Biener, in the normal environment, although “complicated” by nature.

In the Valencian Community and more in August the rains are difficult to predict, because the storms are very local. There are big differences from one town to another and it is difficult to anticipate it beyond the previous hours.

Since May “we have been chaining heat waves” that are leaving extreme temperatures. The last of July has discharged extreme heat that is still noticeable in the environment. Looking ahead to August, Biener anticipates that the weather “should not be so extreme, but the great heat was not expected in July either and look how it is going.

The normal thing, he adds, is that August is “a little warmer than normal and the rainfall does not have major anomalies,” he adds, although there is still a risk that the heavy rains of autumn will arrive sooner this year, perhaps even in August, due to the unusually high temperature of the sea in July.

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) ensures, for its part, that no major changes in minimum temperatures are expected. The trend will be to continue with values ​​that will not drop below 25 degrees on the coast.

This is confirmed by Samuel Biener, who recalls that we are still in the heat wave, the statistically warmest period of the year that runs from July 15 to August 15 and that after a week of “suffocating” nights, we still will not get rid of tropical nights and equatorial on the coast.