Santa Pola Achieves Tourism Recognition


The Generalitat Valenciana has granted Santa Pola recognition as a “municipio turístico de relevancia”, or relevant tourist municipality, in accordance with the decree which establishes 3 classes of tourist municipality; excelencia, de singularidad and de relevancia, or excellence, uniqueness and relevance.

In order to qualify for the RELEVANCIA category, which Santa Pola has achieved, it is necessary to prove compliance with several criteria and obligations, including having 500 places for tourist accommodation and second homes, first-rate tourism resources, a tourism planning instrument, the application of quality strategies in the destination, and that the tourist population reaches at least 10,000 tourists a year.

The Councillor for Tourism, Julio Baeza, indicates that “we are very satisfied with the declaration of a relevant tourist municipality, after the new decree and the new requirements set by the Consell. A great job is being done from the tourism area to improve and make a city with more and better resources every time”.

Baeza recalls that “in December 2020 an attempt was made to become a tourist municipality, but Santa Pola still did not meet all the requirements, mainly the one that referred to quality. Recently, after intense preparation and adaptation work, the Tourist Offices have been certified under the Une-Iso 14785:2015 “Tourist Information Offices” and Une-Iso/Pas 5643:2021 “Safe Tourism” quality standards. The Museo del Mar has also been certified in the UNE 302002:2018 “Museums” standard.