Regional Government approves Urgent Measures in Response to Economic Emergency

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The Consell has approved the final text of the Decree Law on Urgent Measures in Response to the Energy and Economic Emergency caused by the war in Ukraine, whose main objectives are to achieve energy sovereignty and financially help the most vulnerable families and individuals, as well as support the industrial sectors and companies most affected by the current global context.

This new text of the Decree Law, which replaces the one approved on April 1, has been published this Friday in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana. The standard has been promoted across the board from different areas of the Valencian Government, by including various initiatives of an administrative, economic and social nature.

In this sense, the decree law establishes measures to relaunch the creation of new renewable energy facilities, especially wind and photovoltaic plants, as well as social initiatives to help the most vulnerable families and people.

Regarding social measures, the Valencian Inclusion Income Law is modified in such a way that an increase of up to 30% of the recognised economic benefit is established to cover the rental or mortgage expenses of the habitual residence of the person receiving the the Valencian Inclusion Income (RVI), as well as to guarantee access to basic energy supplies, provided that they do not receive any amount for the same concept from any Administration.

For RVI recipients who do not have any expenses related to housing, the increase will be 15% to guarantee energy rights, and a minimum amount of 50 euro in those living units that have income and do not exceed the amount maximum established for each modality.

The objective is to guarantee the energy rights of the affected families and people.

Likewise, this decree law simplifies administrative procedures and eliminates bureaucratic obstacles to promote the installation of renewable energy plants. It is expected that, with this new regulation, the processing time can be reduced by one year, which represents progress towards having a greater renewable energy capacity in the Valencian Community, in accordance with the environmental, energy and climate objectives of the European Union by 2030.

In the field of renewable energies, an occupation is also established to implement renewable energy installations of 3% of the common non-developable land area of ​​each municipality, establishing weighting criteria with the aim of encouraging said installations to be located on land of lower agrological value.

Likewise, the start-up of renewable energy installations that occupy less than 10 hectares is facilitated, increasing the participation of the town councils, in charge of carrying out the pertinent reports. In addition, the implementation of photovoltaic power plants of public initiative is favoured.

On the other hand, the regulatory streamlining for renewable energy plants of less than 10 MW is reinforced, which will now have urgent processing and streamlining regulatory changes are also incorporated for plants with less capacity. Likewise, the installation of public green energy generation plants in the municipalities is favoured and the possibility of an energy/strategic declaration is incorporated for unique projects that may be of economic, energy or environmental interest.

Support for the ceramic industry

Likewise, the decree law includes economic support measures for the sectors most affected by the crisis caused by the war, such as ceramics. In this sense, procedures in industrial clay farms are streamlined by the emergency procedure, provided that the destination is the tile industry of the Valencian Community and for a maximum period of two years.

The decree includes, on the other hand, normative modifications that affect, for example, the Edificant plan for the construction and adaptation of educational infrastructures and that are related to the increase in prices of building materials. To this end, it is established that, in cases where the financing granted is insufficient to satisfy the exceptional price revision, this financing will be automatically increased with the necessary amount.

Regarding the actions of the Consell for the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, it is determined that the subsidies may be released immediately, once granted, up to 100%, prior to justification in order to expedite the pay.