March 31 marks the start of the summer air traffic campaign, and, despite the rain, Alicante-Elche airport is already showing promising forecasts of recovery in the tourism sector.

The initial forecast made by the more than thirty companies that operate at the Alicante-Elche Airport indicates that between March 31 and October 31, 12.3 million seats will be offered between arrivals and departures, which means 4% more than those that went on sale in the summer of 2019, before the pandemic.

What we don’t yet know are the figures that these estimates translate into, although the airlines predict that national traffic is the one that is going to grow the most this summer, around 28%, while international operations will increase by around 2% compared to 2019.

These figures confirm the recovery of the airport’s activity. In fact, the number of places offered is double the total number of passengers registered at the airport throughout last year, when 5.8 million passengers passed through.

In 2019, the Elche airport broke its passenger record, reaching 15 million, but the pandemic completely wrecked the growth in 2020, a year in which only 3.7 million passengers were counted.