San Fulgencio Town Council has started work on the repair and improvement of Avenida de El Convenio, which includes the construction of an extension to the existing cycle lane.

The councillor for Town Planning, Francisco Molero, said “the Town Council has considered it necessary to upgrade this entrance road to the urbanisation area, which is currently in poor condition. It will help improve road safety for both vehicles and the many people who go out walking in the area”.

The main work consists of the creation of a cycle lane in both directions that will run parallel to the pavement, for approximately one kilometre in length. The new cycle lane will connect with the existing CV-860, which links the town centre with the urbanisation area.

Molero added that the work will include repairing the pavements that run parallel to the road to make them wider and allow two people to cycle. In addition, potholes will also be repaired.

The total cost of the work is 47,707 euros, to be paid for from the municipal budget, and the work is expected to be completed by the end of February.