The Orihuela City Council has announced that it has cancelled it’s Medieval Market, due to take place in the city from 4 to 6 February, because of the increase in coronavirus infections

The councillor for Festivities, Mariola Rocamora made the announcement saying that the decision was made as a result of the exceptional situation caused by the avalanche and expansion of infections by this new wave of COVID-19.

She said “It is a high risk event, given the large number of people attending, who may be in close contact, without being able to guarantee the distance and the security measures determined by the health authorities. Health and safety must come first.”

The Market would usually take place in the historic center of the city that is made up of narrow streets, with a significant number of visitors and hundreds of artisans from all over the country.

Objects are shared, drinks and food are consumed, in addition to using local bars and tables in restaurant areas, with a very high percentage of participants who are standing and continuously moving through the event.

Rocamora said that, although the Department of Festivities is aware of individual responsibility, it cannot guarantee that everyone respects the established sanitary regulations such as the correct use of the mask, distances, disinfection measures so there is no option other than to cancel the event.