Garden Felix: Orchids, a wonderful plant

Garden Felix: Orchids, a wonderful plant
Garden Felix: Orchids, a wonderful plant

Orchids are a wonderful plant and possible to keep thriving for years – with dedicated care and attention.

The most common way to harm an orchid is by over watering.  The rule is to ensure the plant is not constantly sitting in water, as it will cause the roots to rot.

Use a finger to poke deep into the pot and if the the mix is wet or damp, don’t water it. If the mix is dry, water it, avoiding tap water, using distilled or boiled water.

Humidity is important, as it recreates the conditions of its natural habitat and can be recreated by spray-misting regularly with a fine mist spray bottle.

Avoid direct sunlight as they will get burnt.  An ideal place is in a room that stays at a consistent temperature throughout the day, away from drafts, fruit and receives indirect sunlight.

Use a liquid feed when you see the orchid actively growing. Don’t pour on or over leaves, as this will cause burning.

Remember not to water the orchid on the week that you feed it. Very dark green drooping leaves can be a sign of over-fertilising.

After the flower has drooped or fallen off it is time to prune. Trim the stem, just above the stem notch-node, where the first flower had bloomed allowing a new shoot to emerge.