Knitters are knitting for HELP VEGA BAJA

Knitters 1
Knitters 1

HELP Vega Baja in San Miguel is a non-profit organisation whose sole aim is to help people of all ages with all sorts of problems assisting in all sorts of ways in times of crises, especially when the police or the medical profession are involved.

When Entre Naranjos resident, Michelle Edwards, heard that they were short of people to help knit warm blankets and clothes for the homeless she got straight onto the case and put the word out amongst the Entre Naranjos/Laguna Green urbanisation requesting residents to help knit for the needy.

There were no shortage of volunteers and, over just a few short weeks, Michelle has been able to donate to their office in San Miguel 17 blankets, over 15 pairs of mittons and scarves all in various thicknesses and colours, with lots more still to follow.

Such has been the interest and enthusiasm from the knitters that Michelle decided to get the knitters together once a week on a Tuesday afternoon at the local Laguna Tavern for a KNIT AND NATTER session where everyone can come along and help each other out with patterns and ideas for knitting and crocheting. There is, of course, the odd occasional glass of wine that goes with the knitting and nattering! To date there are currently 30+ knitters helping out to make a difference to the needy.

There has also been a great deal of interest from those who cannot knit with over €100 being donated for Michelle to buy wool and needles which has been greatly received.

HELP Vega Vaja have been really delighted with these free gifts for the needy which everyone hopes will keep them warm throughout the coming winter months.

Well done to all the kind hearted people and don’t forget……. KEEP KNITTING.