Aix announces contracts of 2,026,588 – but not a single penny for Orihuela Costa

Aix announces contracts of 2,026,588 - but not a single penny for Orihuela Costa
Aix announces contracts of 2,026,588 - but not a single penny for Orihuela Costa

Contracting projects have been approved by the Orihuela City Council, details of which were presented on Tuesday, by the deputy mayor and councillor for Urban Development, José Aix (Ciudadanos).

A refurbishment project will be carried out in the CEIP Nuestra Señora de Belén de La Aparecida, (Lot 1) for an amount of 360,297 euros; the CRA Azahar de La Matanza, (lot 8) will see the restoration of its sports courts, external painting, replacement of shutters and replacement of playground costing 285,318 euros; basic project works and execution of reform and expansion works will take place at the CEIP Francisco Girona, (lot 12) for an amount of 569,358 euros; and works for the refurbishment and expansion of CEIP Andrés Manjón (lot 13) will cost 192,586 euros.

Other contracts that were announced included the “building of a Bike-Lane on the CV-870 Orihuela-Montepinar road”, for a total amount of 238,744 (VAT included), work that will take three months; repairs to public roads in the hamlet of Mudamiento in Orihuela, for a total amount of 192,586 euros that will take 4 months and the creation of a park next to the N-340 in el Raiguero de Bonanza, which will have a budget of 112,199 euros, and take two months to complete.

Other matters dealt with have been the approval of a direct grant to the IES Tháder for the placement of educational facilities in the Centre for Permanent Education of Adults , for a total amount of 15,500 euros, and also in Education, approval of a grant of 60,000 euros for the foundation of a “Didactic and Interactive Museum of Sciences” (MUDIC), for a total amount of 60,000 euros.

Just over 2 million euros were committed by the deputy mayor of which there was not a single penny earmarked for the Orihuela Costa