Staying healthy during outbreaks

Staying healthy during outbreaks
Staying healthy during outbreaks

We’re facing a challenging time here in Spain and across the entire world. Coronavirus has taken hold just about everywhere. Trying to stop the spread has become a Herculean effort for everyone.

So what can you do to keep yourself healthy during this outbreak?

Keep away from the doctor

Avoid going to the doctor if you can. At the moment, health services are being stretched to the limit. When medical professionals have to focus on so many different patients and problems, concentration levels can dip and medical negligence could be the result.

There’s also the issue of clinics and hospitals being the place where ill people go. If you’re trying to keep your immune system up and yourself away from illness, it’s probably best to stay away from places like these.

Increase your focus on hygiene

As we’ve all heard, there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of catching the virus – and the biggest of all is to wash your hands. Washing them frequently – far more often than you would normally – and thoroughly – for at least 20 seconds each time – will help to kill the virus if it’s on your hands.

If you can’t get hold of soap and water, hand sanitiser is the next best thing. But you’ll need to make sure it’s an alcohol-based gel as the alcohol is what kills the virus. You should also try as hard as possible not to touch your face. This will help to minimise the chances of an infection.

Keep to yourself

This is likely the most difficult element when it comes to keeping yourself safe and healthy during this outbreak. ‘Social distancing’ – as it’s been called – has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and just about every government with a significant infection rate. Staying away from others means you don’t risk infection yourself or, if you’re infected, you won’t spread it to anyone else.

According to the WHO, you should stay at least one metre away from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. That’s because if you’re too close, you can easily breathe in the droplets they’re expelling, which could contain the virus. Keep your distance and you should keep your chances of infection low.

Follow the guidance

Your response to the virus will depend on where you live and what your government has told you to do. Spain has declared a state of emergency and introduced a number of measures restricting movement. Although it might be frustrating and inconvenient, it’s for the good of everyone. Your government has consulted with medical and scientific experts and are making decisions to keep as many people as possible safe.

The fewer people out and about, the fewer people risk infection. So keep yourself ‘socially distant’ and work from home if you can. Make sure you’re only going out if you absolutely have to – to go to the pharmacy or supermarket or to care for someone – and try to understand that the government is not taking any decisions about this virus lightly.

The more we can all do to limit our exposure to the virus means the lower the number of infections. When it has already proven itself a particularly deadly disease, we’ll all be better off if we can limit the number of new cases.