Five cases of coronavirus reported in Cabo Roig

Second Medical Centre for Orihuela Costa
Second Medical Centre for Orihuela Costa

Although it is unconfirmed, sources on social media pages are saying that a Doctors surgery in Cabo Roig has informed a number of patients that there have been five cases of coronavirus reported in Cabo Roig.

However on making contact with the councillor for health, Sr Galliano, he said that he was not aware of any such development although at the municipal medical centre the individual taking the call refused to comment.

Despite this, many Ayuntamiento’s in the region have cancelled gatherings across the entire area, although such decisions were made before the Cabo Roig rumour was posted.

More information regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the website of San Miguel de Salinas on Wednesday, March 11, provided by Don Juan de Dios Fresneda Arquero, Mayor of the Hon.  City Council of San Miguel de Salinas (Alicante) reports: “The Government Team of the Municipality of San Miguel de Salinas, after receiving the recommendations of the Generalitat Security and Emergency Agency Valenciana in relation to COVID-19 adopts the following preventive measures:

  • Suspension of directed sports activities in sports facilities Municipal
  • Suspension of the courses, events and workshops scheduled for the next dates. (Until new indications are received).
  1. Regarding hygiene measures, it is recommended: Avoid shaking hands in courtesy greetings. Regular hand washing.
  2. Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth if there is not a previous and adequate washing of hands.
  3. Cough control: In case of coughing, cough on handkerchief, elbow or sleeve.
  4. Do not share drinks or food or household items.  Use of personal household goods or disposable.

In the presence of symptoms that could be associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) (fever, cough and feeling of shortness of breath) affected people should stay at home and call the phone number provided by the Ministry of Health: 900 300 555.

The City Council of San Miguel de Salinas requests collaboration on the measures of prevention measures taken to help improve the health of the population, and recommends following the instructions established by the Ministry of Health.

Signed: Juan de Dios Fresneda Arquero, Mayor.

Los Montesinos Ayuntamiento has also put out a similar message following the coronavirus situation. Details on the website.

In Orihuela however the Councillor for Culture, Mar Ezcurra, announced on Wednesday evening that all Municipal Events planned for the forthcoming days have been cancelled following recommendations made by the Ministry of Health who advise that all events that involve a large gathering of people should be suspended.

Sources representing the Cabo Roig St Patricks Day Committee, however, say that regardless of any Municipal decision, there will still be thousands of people gathering in the area on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with many having travelled to the region from Ireland, so the cancellation of the parade will have little bearing on the celebations although both they and the municipal authorities would much prefer that the parade goes ahead as planned.

In Los Montesinos the Mayor, Jose Manuel Butron, has told the town’s 5,000 inhabitants.

“Due to the exceptional epidemiological situation that we are facing with Coronavirus (Covid19) and acting with responsibility and prevention, the City Council of Los Montesinos assumes National Government recommendations for the containment of the disease.

“Elderly people with chronic illnesses: limit (i) their social activity and (ii) leaving home.

“Avoid trips, if they are not essential and avoid crowded places, especially vulnerable people,” said Mayor Butron.

Postponement of all the activities promoted by the Council has been made, in which some of the previous circumstances concur to contribute to the containment of the Coronavirus by prevention, even without knowledge that in Los Montesinos there is any case of it.

The activities deferred to date are: Breathing unit. Closed starting, March 12th. Science workshop. Planetarium, scheduled for Friday, March 13.

Suzi4fitz ‘Let’s dance’ Festival, scheduled for Thursday, March 12 and Friday, March 13.

Rotary Club solidarity concert, scheduled for Saturday, March 14. Trip to Barranco del Infierno, scheduled for Sunday, March 15. Organisation of the Ruta de la Tapa.

“The evolution of the epidemiological situation and the recommendations made by the Central and Regional Authorities will determine – if this is the case – the next steps that will be taken regarding the postponements of other events and activities programmed by the City Council,” said Mayor Butron.

Deferred activities will resume as soon as the situation is back to normal.

Los Montesinos asks citizens for understanding and responsibility for these prevention measures that will contribute to improve the health of the population.

And requests to comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, in regards of avoiding agglomerations and non-essential trips and taking precautions in the cases of the most vulnerable people: elderly and patients with chronic diseases, who must limit their activity and their exits from home.

The City Council remembers that in case of symptoms that could be associated with Coronavirus (fever, cough and feeling of lack of air) the affected people must remain at home and call the telephone number provided by the Department of Health: 900 300 555.

In the wake of the outbreak a public announcement by the Mayor of Los Montesinos Jose Manuel Butron has been made to inform the town’s 5,000 inhabitants of the current situation.

“Due to the exceptional epidemiological situation that we are facing with Coronavirus (Covid19) and acting with responsibility and prevention, the City Council of Los Montesinos assumes National Government recommendations for the containment of the disease.

“Elderly people with chronic illnesses: limit (i) their social activity and (ii) leaving home.

“Avoid trips, if they are not essential and avoid crowded places, especially vulnerable people,” said Mayor Butron.

Postponement of all the activities promoted by the Council, in which some of the previous circumstances concur to contribute to the containment of the Coronavirus by prevention.

The activities deferred to date are: Breathing unit. Closed starting, March 12th. Science workshop. Planetarium, scheduled for Friday, March 13.

Suzi4fitz ‘Let’s dance’ Festival, scheduled for Thursday, March 12 and Friday, March 13.

Rotary Club solidarity concert, scheduled for Saturday, March 14. Trip to Barranco del Infierno, scheduled for Sunday, March 15. Organisation of the Ruta de la Tapa.

“The evolution of the epidemiological situation and the recommendations made by the Central and Regional Authorities will determine – if this is the case – the next steps that will be taken regarding the postponements of other events and activities programmed by the City Council,” said Mayor Butron.

Deferred activities will resume as soon as the situation is back to normal.

Los Montesinos asks citizens for understanding and responsibility for these prevention measures that will contribute to improve the health of the population.

And requests to comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, in regards of avoiding agglomerations and non-essential trips and taking precautions in the cases of the most vulnerable people: elderly and patients with chronic diseases, who must limit their activity and their exits from home.

The City Council remembers that in case of symptoms that could be associated with Coronavirus (fever, cough and feeling of lack of air) the affected people must remain at home and call the telephone number provided by the Department of Health: 900 300 555.