Plumbago, also know as Cape Leadwort, Blue Plumbago and Cape Plumbago, originated from India and South East Asia, where it is widely used as a medicinal plant.
It is a shrub, best grown as a vigorous, evergreen climber, typically used for covering large areas, such as walls, growing up to 4 metres high, with a 1.5 metre spread.
Despite being a tender plant, Plumbago can be grown on the Costa Blanca quite easily – outside in warm temperatures -also trained up trellis and fencing.
Plumbago prefers a south-facing or west-facing aspect – in full sun – and can grow in all types of soil. Grown in pots, they will need regular watering.
Plumbago, which bears masses of intense blue, unscented flowers all summer long – and well into autumn – was used traditionally to treat warts, broken bones and wounds and as a cure for lead poisoning.
It can be taken as a snuff – for headaches – and as an emetic, to dispel bad dreams.
However, beware, as Plumbago may cause skin irritation and blistering in some people, therefore, do not use Plumbago for medicinal purposes – without medical supervision. No toxicity has been reported to birds, cats, dogs, horses or livestock from Plumbago.