Costa Blanca South Bowls Roundup 3 Feb 19
Costa Blanca South Bowls Roundup

After the Christmas break and a chance to recharge the batteries, or fight off the nasty bugs; whichever is most appropriate, it’s back to work as usual with the WINTER LEAGUE on Wednesday 8th January. A lovely clear, sunny day for the first match of the new year away v San Miguel and a really hard fought game.

We had 3 good wins but just missed out on the shots: 83-86, points 6-6. Winners: Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Jules Pering 14-10, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 18-14, Ann Holland, Bill Webb, Pam Lockett, Scott Malden 23-15.

Our Berleen team: Ros Holmes, Sheila Cammack, Giuseppe Galelli & Alex Morrice had a great battle, pulling back from 1-11 down to win 21-15 and take the 2 points.

Friday 10th finally playing the washed out match from 4th December, at home v Quesada; we had a few spots of rain but that did not affect the battle on the green. There were some really close fought games – on rink 5 there was a dead end on the very first end! Some of our teams started very slowly and pulled back, others went into an early lead and kept it but however it was achieved we had a great result; 10 points-2, 100 shots – 62.

Winners: Drew Russell, Peter McEneany, June & Keith Jones 25-8, Jan Pocock, Keith Phillips, Irene Mangan, Russell Marks 25-11, Kath Reid, Ray Pollock, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 21-11, Shirley Verity, Ray Clarke, Jo & Jules Pering 17-12. Our Berleen team; Ros Holmes, Sheila Cammack, Alex Morrice, Giuseppe Galelli, also had a good win 20-15, for another 2 points.

The other leagues start next week: Monday 13th January, South Alicante League, SL Trekkers v SL Klingons, SL Galaxies v El Rancho Raiders.

Friday 15th Southern League, SL Tigers v SL Lions, SL Jaguars v El Rancho Broncos.

We are a competitive but friendly club; you’re welcome to join in “Vic’s hamper” 10:00/10:30 on Saturday mornings (check chalkboard outside the office & the calendar). For more information & calendar, see SLBC website at: We welcome new & experienced bowlers; come along & see us, or for more information contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691 903 773.

Sheila Cammack