Society award to a British promoter strikes a bum note

Mayor of Arboleas presenting prize to Mr. Condrey

On 25th July the Mayor of Arboleas, Cristobal Garcia, presented the “Society Award” of the X Premios Almanzora,  to “Gordon Condrey” who, according to La Voz in its edition of 25th July had “arrived in Almanzora 30 years ago and…. brought thousands of his compatriots to live here”.

The Premios Almanzora is an annual event where individuals are nominated by the town halls of the valley in recognition of their services to the community as a whole.

However, the award is seen by some as a curious choice given that  Sr. Condrey is the promoter of houses sold to British residents in Arboleas (among other areas), and some of these houses in Arboleas turned out to be illegal. In fact, although they were built over 10 years ago, they still have not been sorted out.

Calle Zoraida in Arboleas, a development promoted by Mr. Condrey.
Calle Zoraida in Arboleas, a development promoted by Mr. Condrey.

On the other hand, the legalisation or regularisation of these houses depends in part on the same person who presented this award, that is to say, the Mayor of Arboleas.

Maura Hillen, president of AUAN, an organisation that campaigns to protect the rights of those affected by these planning issues, says that the prize has caused upset among some British people in the Valley of Almanzora.

She said “I am not surprised that this prize has cause great consternation among some British residents. I do not know what those who gave it were thinking”.

Mrs Hillen asks “Where is the prize for Mr and Mrs Prior? They really deserve a prize after many years of suffering, at the very least for their stoicism and for setting an example to others affected and to society in general. Or, where is the prize for those affected in Arboleas? They have received a prize in reverse.”

She added ironically, “Listen, if a prize had to be given, I would have waited until Mr. Condrey had at least regularise these houses and authorised the deeds for those affected”.

She finished by saying “Seriously, I hope that this award motivates him to release these poor people from the purgatory that they have been living in for a long time and I appeal to him to do so”.

Contact:    Maura Hillen, Mobile: 661 329 919
