Celts GS May Championship

Celts GS May Championship
Celts GS May Championship

Last Sunday we celebrated our May Championship game.  The tournament was again well supported with over 80 players.  The competitions committee on the day were marshalled by Philip Mountford who had drafted in Kenny McGeehan and Jane Knight to assist with the absence of Camillus and Terry who are back in Ireland for communions.  Well done to all.

The course is presented in immaculate condition although the greens are just a tad slow. To the staff in the pro-shop, jean and Jose, thank you for your attention to detail and for preparing the cards and collating the results. Gloria, Maria and the Vanessas  and all the kitchen staff well done as always, we were treated to some lovely tapas, thank you.

Our club captain James Hayes was on hand to present the prizes, James is feeling a little under the weather and we wish him a speedy recover. James again made the point of thanking all the organisers and all those who stayed for the presentation to honour those good enough to win a prize.  As it is Jim’s big day next month maybe we could all wear the club polo.

Results of the day, the NTP’s Carmel McShea, John Doyle O’Brien Sally Hopkins, Bob Smith and James Hayes.

We had one Crystal event during the month and the  winners were, Kevin McBride 44, second Anthony Davis 42 and third Richard Nicol. The Monthly medals went to, Cat I Pauvla Serakova 69, Cat II Gordon Montgomery 71 and Cat III  Terry Welsh 38 Just a little note, I do not keep track of those who collect your prizes on your behalf if you are not present Cat. III Myra Coull 39, Carmel McShea 38 andJohn Adlan 37. Cat II Ole Rong 37, Logan Nayager 37 David Cosson 35. Cat I. Andy Currie 40, Ian McMillan 35 and Denis McCormack 34.

The gross was won by John Doyle O’Brien 29. Second overall  with 40 Pauvla Serakova and the winner with 43 points and a cut of 2.1 of his handicap George Thomas. Well done to all the winners and congratulations to so many whop remained behind to honour those who won a prize.

We are really making good progress in relation to slow play again might I suggest that players please keep up with the group in front of them. Do not wait until it is your turn to play to start your routine, putting on or taking off your glove, marking and cleaning your ball, selecting your club, measuring your distance for your shot etc. all of these can be done in advance and this will help the smooth flow of the game.

We have a waiting list in operation at the moment for membership at La Serena, however membership of The Celts is always available. If you would like information on joining our club or entering a team in any of the federation events why not send an e-mail to johnobrienalicante@gmail.com or call 615466398?