Fun and Games at Hondón Valley Legion

Rhoda winner of the Duck Shooting Gallery (2)
Rhoda winner of the Duck Shooting Gallery (2)

The first meeting of the Branch at its new venue proved extremely successful.  Following the formal part where the Chairman updated members on recent changes to the Legion line up, members settled into an evening of fun and games.

Kim gets a Bulls Eye
Kim gets a Bulls Eye

As well as the “normal” darts, table skittles and shove ha’penny (50 cents) there were the more unusual games.  One member, George, correctly guessed the weight of a bottle of whiskey. The “rat down a drain pipe” grew great crowds of participants, as did the “duck shooting gallery” and fairground “grabber” machine.  Rhoda, who “downed” the most ducks in the shooting gallery surprised herself at her fantastic shooting ability, beating some members who thought they were “crack shots”!! Our new venue gave us lots of space to display all the various games.

The Branch meets on the third Tuesday of each month (except August) at El Fogon, Hondón de los Frailes 7 p.m.for 7.30 p.m. and visitors and guests are most welcome.  A summer party is planned for 18th July and for information on this event and any other Branch matters, please contact our secretary on or go to our website:

Chris and the Fairground Grabber Machine
Chris and the Fairground Grabber Machine