Los Montesinos Easter Sunday resurrection parade

Los Montesinos Easter Sunday resurrection parade

Special report and pictures

By Andrew Atkinson, reporting from Los Montesinos.

LOS Montesinos Easter Sunday procession saw thousands of people line the streets to witness the 2019 staging of the resurrection parade, centred at the Vega Baja town’s Church area.

Crowds watched in silence as the Virgin of Dolores and the resurrection procession commenced at the Church, with dignatories including Los Montesinos Mayor José Manuel Butron in attendance.

The streets in the town and surrounding areas approaching the Church were adorned with spectacular displays of multicoloured flowers and Palms.

Queens and Ladies participated in the 2019 Holy Week of Los Montesinos, Alicante, and on Easter Sunday la Reina de Fiestas Carlota Mora Ferrandez withdrew the mourning to the Virgin, with four doves released.

As the parade came to a climax, the afternoon air and sky filled with the sounds of fireworks in celebration, to the applause of the crowd as the Church bells rang aloud.

Photos: Helen Atkinson.