‘We’ve got your back Millie’

'We’ve got your back Millie'
'We’ve got your back Millie'

Last weekend, JB Brass Band performed a concert in aid of the ‘we’ve got your back Millie’ charity. After having prepared a concert but being let down at a weeks notice on the venue, the Band got their heads together and decided some good should come out of it. With grateful thanks to the owners of The Club in Quesada, a concert was quickly organised and advertised through social media.

A small but appreciative audience were entertained with a selection of music ranging from Skyfall and Bohemian Rhapsody to a good old sing along to a selection of Buddy Holly songs along with some Spanish classics. All interspersed with the inimitable story telling from cornet player and Chairman, Ian Gibson.

All in all it was a great fun night raising, from a raffle and collection, 230€. Adding to this the Band members donated a further 110€ from a collection in lieu of sending each other Christmas cards plus a large bag of small change from the Christmas Day beach collection.

The band also collected a couple of new members, travelling all the way from Jalon to hear the band and who now are planning a move further south. Anyone is welcome to either come and play or even listen to the band. For information call Jayne on 65 229 4757 join our supporters group on Facebook or www.justbrass.org