Watercolours On Show At Mojácar’s “La Fuente” Art Gallery

Watercolours On Show At Mojácar’s "La Fuente" Art Gallery
Watercolours On Show At Mojácar’s "La Fuente" Art Gallery

The Almería ‘Asociación de Acuarelistas’ are currently exhibiting a selection of their watercolours throughout January at Mojácar’s La Fuente Art Gallery, with more than 32 works by ten of the group’s artists on show.

The painting technique of watercolour is the star, a style which is difficult, yet at the same time versatile and, one which offers the painter a great deal of expression.

Picturesque places around Almería and Mojácar, still life and portraits all take their place, with the light and the province’s unique atmosphere emphasised by these talented water-colourists.

Teresa Nájera, one of the Association’s painter members, has returned to the town to exhibit, after having made a very successful solo show in this same hall in December.  Teresa divides her time and painting between her native Logroño and Mojácar and, her decorative training has led to her now dedicating herself completely to this great art passion.

Although skilled in all techniques, watercolour is her preferred medium, working alongside great world class artists such as Álvaro Castagnet and Manuel Jiménez, amongst others.

The Almería ‘Asociación de Acuarelistas’ is a cultural, non-profit making group which was founded on March 28th.  2008, with the main aim of promoting and exhibiting watercolour painting, especially within this region.

The group organise numerous projects throughout the year including exhibitions, courses, illustration of publications, painting awards and many other initiatives that make it one of the most active associations in the province. They have a strong membership, which include the renowned Almerían painter, Julio Visconti, who is an honorary member and ‘alma mater’ of the group.

Mojácar’s Culture Councillor, Raquel Belmonte, was at the exhibition’s inauguration and was delighted with the high level of artists and their work on display.  The show at the Centro de Arte ‘La Fuente’ has free entrance and is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. throughout January.