Connections Team opens more doors……

Connections Team opens more doors……
HELP Vega Baja Connections Team offers support ……

In July last year HELP Vega Baja launched the Connections Team – a 24-hour confidential, emotional support helpline, providing what is believed to have been the only 24-hour support helpline in the area for some time.

The service has gone from strength to strength with the helpline receiving over 100 calls a month on their dedicated phone line 965 021 552 plus many emails from people seeking support at  The team of trained and experienced listeners have also been offering the chance for people to meet them face to face over a cup of tea at the San Miguel Centre of the charity. 

In order to reach out to more people, further “meeting places” have now been set up.  If you would like to meet a member of the Connections Team, you can pop along to any of the meeting places below and be sure of a warm welcome and a listening ear. 

Monday                         –         HELP Vega Baja San Miguel Centre (2 – 5 pm)

Tuesday                         –         Cruz Roja Social Centre, La Marina, Calle Berna (10.00 – 1.00)

Wednesday                   –         HELP Vega Baja San Miguel Centre (2 – 5 pm)

Thursday                       –        Hope Christian Fellowship Church, La Marina                                                                                               (10–1.30 pm) opposite Market site

Friday                          –           A.E.C.C. office, lower floor, Playa Flamenca Commercial  Centre (10 – 1.30 pm)

Co-ordinator of the Connections Team, Jane Troubridge said “since we established the Connections Team, we have been delighted that people have helped to raise awareness of the service we provide. This has enabled us to support a large number of people through some very difficult times in their lives.  

As the service is part of HELP Vega Baja, we have also been able to offer practical support to people which has proved extremely beneficial.  I have been helping people for many years through listening and watching the recovery through this combination of listening and practical support has been far more than I could have possibly expected”.  President of HELP Vega Baja, Michele Masson added “we would like to thank the other charities such as Cruz Roja and the AECC who have been a great support to us by offering their facilities for the team to use. 

This gives people much greater choice in where to meet our volunteers and the opportunity to support people in a friendly and of course, confidential area.  Working alongside the rest of the charity and in particular our Welfare Officer, the Connections Team is now very well established within the charity and a huge benefit to those people who are struggling and in need of support”.

Jane is also the trainer for the Connections Team volunteers and is about to start the latest training course for new listeners.  If you are interested in finding out about volunteering with Connections, the training  and ongoing support, or if you are interested in volunteering in any other area of HELP Vega Baja, contact the charity on 966 723 733 or email

HELP Vega Baja – helping people in the community for over 36 years…..