HELP Vega Baja Sings its way to success!

HELP Vega Baja Sings its way to success!

“Someone said that they knew Christmas was near when the HELP Vega Baja Christmas fayre was held” – this was what one of the visitors to the fayre told the President of HELP Vega Baja at their annual fayre which was held on the 4th December. 

In addition to the usual fantastic array of quality clothing and other items on sell, raffles, tombola and of course the very popular home bake stall, this year people were entertained by the “Enthusiasticals” singing group. Everyone was taken down memory lane with songs of years gone by with many people joining in.  Modern technology also gave the opportunity for the fayre and the singing to go “live” on Facebook!

The new addition to the charity, the Connections Team, which offers 24 hour emotional support had representatives at the fayre and were kept busy on the day in a separate area away from the hustle and bustle of the fayre. 

President Michele Masson said “the 2018 fayre has been a great success. With over 2,600 euros raised before costs, this is a magnificent amount to raise and we are very grateful to everyone who came along to support us.  Our volunteers have worked tirelessly to ensure that everything went off well on the day.

We would also like to thank all the wonderful sponsors that contributed to the grand raffle.  The money that has been raised will now go towards supporting people in the community who are struggling and need support.  We are delighted to say that so far this year we have donated in the region of 42,000 euros to good causes, including individuals and other charities, which is a remarkable achievement. 

On behalf of the HELP Vega Baja committee we would like to thank everyone for the support we have received throughout the year and to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year”.

To find out more about the work that HELP Vega Baja do to support people in the community visit their website at or their Facebook page.  The Connections Team 24 hour confidential emotional support helpline can be contacted on 965 021 552