Costa Blanca Petanca league by Susan Ward

Costa Blanca Petanca league

What a wonderful beginning this brand new Petanca league has had.  Born out of controversy, but like a phoenix it has risen from the flames with a future that will only go from strength to strength. 

The league consists of 8 teams – 5 from Domino Bar in Los Altos, 2 from Amigo Belgas in Torrevieja and 1 from Pumas at Los Altos.

The playing day will be on a Monday.  It started with all teams playing the 1st part of a 3 part cup tournament up at Los Altos on 22nd October 2018.  The atmosphere was so friendly yet competitive mixed with the excitement that is felt of a new project actually happens. The 2nd part will be played in December and the final part in March, when the winners are known.  It is to be known as The Mumbai Blue Cup.

The league has attracted some good sponsorship, One-Way Services in Cuidad Quesada, Mumbai Blue Restaurant in La Florida and Viajes Dreamworld in Torrevieja.  Thank you all for your very generous support.

The league started properly on Monday 29th October. The playing order is different to the other local leagues in as much as 9 games are played, so there will always be a winning team.

2 x triples & 1 double, 2 x triples & 1 double, 3 x doubles, of which 1 must be a ladies.

On the second double the home team must change both players.

This formula proved to be a great hit with the teams playing in their first match, on a very chilly day!!