A busy day at the Ray Scott Art Competition & Exhibition 


With well over 100 people coming along to view 140 paintings it was a busy day at La Herradura Restaurant in Los Montesinos and although not the main purpose of this event to date 4 of the paintings have been sold!

Artist Sharon Darnbrough left with Jennie and Jack Lowe who bought Sharon’s painting

The Bellinis served along with Cava and Bucks Fizz welcome drinks proved to be very popular, so huge thanks to VINCENT REAL ESTATE our main sponsor of this event for providing the welcome drinks.

Related: Restaurante La Herradura

VINCENT REAL ESTATE in Benijofar also ran a FREE TO ENTER DRAW where along with THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE members of the public were given a business card with an exclusive personal number on it – if anyone who has one of these cards would like to call into the Benijofar office you can see if you are one of the prize winners!  

One of the many winners

If you did not get a card with a number on it – they are still available and you can get your number by email to sueinthesun@hotmail.co.uk  

We would also like to thank the judges Suzanne Stokes, Vivienne Shepherd and Gloria Howes and also the many helpers on the day especially Jackie Nevin who took on an amazing amount of paperwork and emailing and was at the event all day, Nadine Scott, Lynn Nicholls, Joanna Foad who did a difficult but brilliant job of Curator ably assisted by Ian Ross and Maurice Hatfield who also found time to do a talk on calligraphy, Jan and Brian Wright and Lady Toastmaster Patricia Creighton MBE who was our MC for the whole day and Gerry who had the very stressful task of adding up all the judges scores, Jennie and Jack Lowe who are always ready to lend a hand and last but not least our printer Kevin from Media Promotions who once again patiently waited for our “last minute.com” to supply all the logos of the local companies who sponsored a category, sometimes two! 

Lady Toastmaster Patricia Creighton MBE was our MC

Many thanks to Quesada Fitness Gym, Da Silva’s Restaurant, Moneycorp, Quiron Hospital, Avalon, IBEX and Blacktower Financial Management.  

A little bit of humour on the day was that Shay Kinsella who donated a framing voucher for the raffle won a prize, Shay could have chosen his own prize so we took the photo just for fun and he did choose a different prize!  Well it was a lot of work and we hope to do it all again in 2019!