2018 Local Spanish National Open Water Champions

Zoe , Vicki and Amy

This Sunday saw the final of the official Spanish Swimming Federation Open Water Circuit 2018. This year’s open water circuit included 14 different races in either lakes, rivers or the sea over distances between 3km and 10km at various locations across the whole of Spain. Age classifications ranged between 16 and over 70 years of age.

Participants had to compete in a minimum of 4 races and were awarded points for their positions. The best four results for each swimmer were amalgamated for the final classifications. Sundays Final was organised by the Mediterranean Challenge team and took place in the centre of Benidorm on the Mal Pas Beach. Four different races were on offer 600m,2.2km.5.5km and 10km. The 5.5km race being the final race of the Spanish Championships. 

Zoe , Vicki and Amy

Local swimmers from Torrevieja Zoe Connolly, Vicki Connolly and Beth Altabas became this year’s 3rd ,2nd ,and 1st, and  placed champions in the Junior 1, 50+ and 70+ categories.

In the final Zoe won 5th place beating members of the Spanish Open Water Team and was overall placed 3rd in the national circuit. Mum Vicki came 2nd in the over 50’s 5.5km race around the Benidorm rock and 2nd in the national circuit. To make the team complete Beth Altabas completed her 4th swim in the Spanish Championships and won 1st place in her category 70 plus.

To complete the family winning day Amy Connolly won 1st place in her 600m mini race. All four swimmers represented Club Natacion Elche.