Virtual reality glasses reduce the perception of pain among children


The Quirónsalud Hospital in Torrevieja is now incorporating the use of virtual reality glasses by children in their paediatric emergency service.

The use of these glasses by children is said to reduce the perception of anxiety and pain during procedures such as taking blood samples or dealing with fractures and dislocations. The use of these devices takes the child’s attention away from the procedure that is being applied.

Dr. Maria Minguez, Head of Paediatrics of Quirónsalud Torrevieja, said, “With the introduction of this medium, we hope to see multiple benefits for the patient.”

Among the advantages that the virtual reality glasses can provide are faster treatment and a reduction in the number of unsuccessful attempts in the extraction of samples, with the greater cooperation of the patient. There is less need for anaesthetics, and the effect of retrograde amnesia in the child’s memory as they will not remember the episode as something particularly traumatic which should also provide them with a positive predisposition to future visits to a hospital or health centre. ”

Among the procedures put in place by Quirónsalud Torrevieja is the training of all staff to improve understanding with parents and family members, the improvement of communication and information and the active participation of parents and children during the procedures.

All these actions are very beneficial, both for minors, their families and health personnel. “The children do not suffer unnecessarily, so that their memory of the hospital stay is much less painful, we reduce their state of anxiety and, with it, that of parents and relatives,” explains Dr. Mínguez. “In addition, different studies have shown that the implementation of these techniques reduces the length of hospital stay and increases the perception of the quality of care,” he adds.