Feeding the Royal Naval Association.

Feeding the Royal Naval Association.

Members of the Royal Naval Association, Torrevieja Branch met for their April lunch at Dona Isabel in San Miguel on 17th April, where proprietor Diego, looked after us all very well.

We are a very friendly crew and always make new members welcome with a ‘tot’.  You don’t have to have served in the Royal Navy to become a member so if you like the look of our lunches and want to make new friends please come to one of our monthly meetings which are held at Bar/Restaurante El Paraiso near Carrefour in Torrevieja at 17.00 hrs on the first Wednesday of the month. 

For directions and more information please call Chairman Paul Edwards on 618644934, Vice Chairman Danny Kay on 966716274 or Secretary Margaret Forshaw on 966921996.  We look forward to seeing you soon.