“The Hondón Valley (Legion) Poets”

Chris Wyatt, Neil Pavitt, Carol Wealleans, Chris Pedley and Peter Broadbent

Members of The Hondón Valley Branch of The Royal British Legion met on a very cold, blustery March night and commenced the evening by watching Pathé  Newsreel footage of the Great Pilgrimage of 1928.  This consisted of Veterans from WW1 and War Widows visiting the battlefields of the Somme and Ypres before marching to the Menin Gate on 8th August.  This year two members will represent the Branch for GP 90 (Great Pilgrimage 90 years on)  This will be the biggest TRBL membership event for a generation.

Following this video members were entertained by the reading of poems written by members in recognition of World Poetry Day.  The poems varied from the emotional –Remembrance.  Funny – reflecting on the Branch activities and Thoughtful – looking at the Smartphone and its effect on our lives.  Members’ favourite poem was written by Chris Pedley.  Each winner was given a notebook in order to write more poems!  All the poems will shortly be available on the Branch website www.britishlegion.org.uk/branches/hondon-valley

An Armed Forces background is not necessary to take part in Legion activities so for more information about the Branch events, please contact the secretary on
hondonvalley.secretary@rbl.community.  For information and assistance enquiries, please ring 676 45 17 80.