Torrevieja mayor joins in protest for “decent” public pensions

Torrevieja mayor joins in protest for "decent" public pensions
Torrevieja mayor joins in protest for "decent" public pensions

The mayor joined more than 300 people on Thursday in a protest held in Torrevieja’s Plaza de la demanding “decent pensions.” Organised by the Platform for the Defence of Public Pensions of the Vega Baja, the group criticised the “miserly” annual increase of just 0.25%

The protest, which was held in many state capitals and cities across the whole of Spain, was joined by the mayor, José Manuel Dolón, and several councillors, who prior to joining had authorised the display of a brown ribbon from the town hall balcony in support of the mobilisation.

The mayor and the councillors, who all expressed their full support, mingled with the crowd speaking to many of the protestors as they did so.

The Platform was protesting against the pension rise of just 0.25%  that has been applied annually since the economic crisis first began, and which they rejected as “miserly.”

Also within the climate of exasperation at the situation and a lack of future expectations several of the protesters chanted slogans, including “the thieves are stealing our pensions.”

Image: Los Verdes Facebook