Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia

Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia
Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia

On Thursday, 25th January, the Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Valencia, WBro Fred Miller, visited El Preventorio children’s home in Gandia to present another cheque for two thousand Euros. Having now supported the home for several years this was the latest in a long line of cheques and gifts for the children in an attempt to make their lives just a little better.

The money was largely raised by a grand charity raffle held late last year at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia’s Ladies Night where over two hundred Masons, and their wives, made every effort to raise the magnificent sum of one thousand, six hundred euros. When local Masons of Oliva La Safor Lodge heard of this, they were moved to add another four hundred euros to round the total up to a very respectable two thousand euros.

The cheque was presented by Fred to Sra Maria José Castelló Morant, the Director of the home, who was immensely grateful for the donation. She said that this cash would be added to other monies raised to support a paid, part time worker to help clean, wash and dry bedding etc which was a constant chore for the volunteers and becoming almost impossible to sustain.

Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia
Local Masons present a further cheque to El Preventorio in Gandia

As most of you will know, looking after the hygiene requirements of two or three children is difficult, with upwards of fifty it becomes a major chore. If sufficient money can be raised it is hoped that this post could become a permanent one in the future.

The first photo shows WBro Fred presenting the cheque to Sra Castelló and the second a group shot of Fred with some of the workers and volunteers.

The home is always in need of children’s (and young teenagers) clothes, shoes, bedding, toiletries and hygiene items. If you have anything to spare, no matter how small, please contact El Preventorio as they can always use items you no longer need.

If you are interested in Freemasonry and would like to learn more of who we are and what we do please contact me on the email address given below.


WBro William Turney   Press Officer

Provincial Grand Lodge of Valencia